Install guide for eSIM on iPhone / iPad
Everything you need to install and activate your new eSimmer eSIM is within this step-by-step guide! Check your device is unlocked and eSIM-compatible, then follow our iOS specific instructions below.
💡To help your eSIM setup, share these steps to another device, that way you can read and follow the steps side by side. Happy installing!
Get your eSIM going in a dash!

Step 1: Get Yourself Ready
- Ensure you are connected to a stable wi-fi or internet connection.
- Check you have the latest iOS17.4 installed. (Released 5 Mar 2024)
- Have our eSimmer email with the QR code open on your device.

Step 2: Install Your eSIM (prior to departure)
- To start your eSIM install, refer to our eSimmer email and scroll to the QR code.
Long-press on the QR code image > Select “Add eSIM” > Tap “Allow” - When prompted, tap “Continue” (activating may take a few minutes).
Proceed by tapping "Continue" - To complete your installation, answer the final prompts.
Select your Primary SIM for your Default Line, iMessage & FaceTime - If you're still at home, choose Primary SIM as your line for Mobile Data. Upon arrival this will need to be updated.

Step 3: Connect Your eSIM (upon arrival)
- At your destination, open the Settings App.
- Select "Mobile" > Under "SIMs" Tap your new Travel eSIM
- Toggle “Turn on this Line” ON. And Turn Data Roaming “ON”
- Return to “Mobile" > Tap “Mobile Data” > Select your new Travel eSIM as your Mobile Data source.
- Make sure "Allow Cellular Data Switching" is OFF
Turning ON your travel eSIM at your destination will connect you to the local network, activating your data plan to start from that day.
Please note that the method for installing an eSIM on your iPhone or iPad can vary depending on the iOS version. For those with iOS 17.3 or earlier installed, or those seeking added screen by screen references, refer to our comprehensive guide for installing an eSIM on iPhone.
Do you need further help?
eSIMs can be a little fiddly to figure out at first. If you need some additional assistance, here is a link to our Help Centre, or please don't hesitate to email - support@esimmer.com. We're here to help!